InstDayZ Update v1.1.4

  • Dear Players

    We are releasing our Update 1.1.4 today.

    You can find the Patchnotes here:
    Thanks for Testing etc to: Wallania and Sunnii


    Check Identity

    You can check your opponents Player Name now by pressing "F" on him


    We have added Bots (Ai´s) on our Server. Some of them want to kill you. Others will just protect you.

    There are currently three kinds of Bots.

    - Guards: They will just shoot you, when you have your Gun equiped. They will shoot down all Zombies

    - Compadre: They will shoot you every time they can see you and won´t shoot Zombies

    - Raiders: They will shoot on everything they see.

    Ai´s will get more aggresive as more you will travel to the north. (Especially Zones with better Loot)

    Ai´s can shoot you out of your vehicle and out of your helicopter, but their shoots are not very accurat
    Ai´s will ALWAYS wear blue gloves and a Hat.

    Heli Pads´s:

    You can buy HeliPad´s now at the Trader. You can see a Picture of it below.

    Known issues:
    - You can "check identity" of Traders. Will be fixed soon

    - HeliPad´s can be destroyed. Will be fixed in the future.

    Viele Grüße,

    Owner werden ist nicht schwer. Owner sein dagegen sehr.
    Denken ist harte Arbeit, weshalb sie auch nur von Wenigen ausgeübt wird.

